Hillsdale EV Charging Station is First From Local Startup
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Hillsdale Volunteer Survey
Many in our community volunteer, whether it's directly helping out neighbors or with faith groups, non-profits, professional associations, and other organizations doing interesting and important work. Where do you spend your volunteer hours? Take our Volunteer Survey so we can get a better picture of what kinds of volunteer activities people in our community are engaged in, and maybe get some new ideas for places to donate some time!
Take a Hike, Make a Friend
Have you wanted to hike within the green spaces of SW Portland? Need a hiking buddy? Want to meet more hiking friends? Want to explore the 100+ trails in SW Portland without the worry of getting lost? SW Trails sponsors two organized hikes a month, 9am-12pm, one on the 2nd Saturday (5-7 miles) and one on 3rd Saturday (more of a stroll, 3-5 miles). Visit swtrails.org for details on the next available hike.
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