[April 8, 2022]
Contributed by the Rename the Wilson Pool Committee
The Hillsdale Neighborhood Association and the Hillsdale Business and Professional Association are sponsoring a committee that is leading an effort to select a new name for the Wilson Pool. Over the past two months the entire SW community has been invited to nominate a new name for the Wilson Pool. A total of 21 new names have been nominated. We are now asking the community to vote online on their preferred name for the pool.
SWTrails has agreed to host the ballot process on their website. Go to SWTrails.org/namethatpool to register your vote. We ask that you only vote one time. The voting will close on April 30th.
In early May, the nine-member Rename the Wilson Pool committee will review the votes and if one name has received a majority vote, the committee will request that Portland Parks rename the Wilson Pool to that name. If one name does not receive a majority vote, a second runoff election will be held in June using the same online voting process with just the top two names on the ballot.
Since Portland Parks owns the pool they have the final say in the selected name. We hope to have a new name confirmed by early fall 2022.
Thanks for participating,
—Rename the Wilson Pool Committee
Anything else need a new name? Tell us about it.