[Posted December 18, 2020]
What do you want life in Hillsdale to look like? The Hillsdale Community Foundation invites you to learn more about becoming a board member to bring your dreams and visions for Hillsdale to life.

To fulfill its goal of broad representation of all aspects of the community, the recruitment message on the HCF website encourages “renters, parents, BIMPOC (Black/Indigenous/Mixed Race/People of Color), LGBTQ, and people from other diverse groups to join us. All invested parties are welcome to apply! We value your ideas on how to make Hillsdale a better place and look forward to working alongside you to bring your ideas to life.”
The HCF has been an active force in the neighborhood since 2009, hosting community events and making significant contributions that make Hillsdale a unique and vibrant place.
Projects, both completed and ongoing, include support for Hillsdale Main Street, installation of bike racks and the plaza next to Baker and Spice, plantings along Capitol Hwy, signs and murals, advocacy and monetary contributions for schools and community groups, the annual Hillsdale Book Sale, “Usual Suspects” monthly litter pick-up, Hillsdale Easter Egg Hunt and more.
Since the arrival of the pandemic, the HCF has shifted their efforts to supporting campaigns to help alleviate the economic impacts of Covid. Recent efforts include the Stand Up Hillsdale campaign, which raised over $30,000 for Neighborhood House, and a new partnership with the Hillsdale Farmer’s Market to support is community programs.
Future projects include planning events for the Josh Kadish Community Stage at the Hillsdale Food Park and a solar co-op initiative currently being explored.
Outgoing board member Robin Jensen says, “Being on the HCF board has given me an opportunity to work with an amazing group of dedicated and hard-working neighbors. Like me, they love Hillsdale and are committed to building relationships in the community and improving the livability of our neighborhood.”
The recruitment message closes with this glimpse of a hopeful post-pandemic future: “We want Hillsdale to weather this pandemic with our people and institutions intact, and when it is safe to do so we want to bring lots of opportunities to get together and make Hillsdale an even friendlier, more accessible and inclusive place for everyone. Will you join us? “
For more information about the HCF go to www.hillsdalecommunityfoundation.org. Email info@hillsdalecommunityfoundation.org with any questions or to apply to be a board member.
--Valeurie Friedman
Are you interested in being more involved in community organizations in Hillsdale? Tell us more about why (or why not).