Opinion: Do Our City Leaders Really Care?[April 25, 2024] SW Portland needs more sensible planning for ped and bike infrastructure.
Readers Recommend[February 3, 2023] Share your faves and raves, tips and hacks. Books, recipes, movies—all are fair game for Readers Recommend.
Opinion: Let’s Make Hillsdale a Solar Community[January 28, 2022] Solar energy may be more accessible than you think.
Opinion: In Support of an Independent Community Voice[December 17, 2021] A proposal for organizing the voice of the community in SW Portland.
Want to See Bike and Ped Improvements in SW?[October 22, 2021] Tell city officials how you would like them to spend over $30 million in surplus funds.
Planners drop Gen. George Custer’s name for Hillsdale MAX station[Posted May 29, 2020] Custer, Bertha, Hillsdale: Place names help define us.
With social distancing, some observations[Posted April 23, 2020] By Rick Seifert. A new way of thinking about time and place.