Friday, July 2, 2021
Coming Soon to Your Mailbox

Hillsdale's Neighborhood Emergency Team (NET) has collaborated with Hillsdale News and the city's Bureau of Emergency Management to bring important emergency preparedness information straight to the mailbox of Hillsdale Residents.
Keep an eye on your mailbox for the NET postcard with information on getting ready, what to do immediately following a disaster as well as the location of the Hillsdale Emergency Staging Area. The upshot is that, in the event of a major disaster, our local NET will set up a staging area in Dewitt Park next to the fire station to help with basic first aid, direct volunteers, and facilitate communication between our neighborhood and the city.
Keep the card as a reminder or just to reinforce the information so you'll remember if you need it.
Hillsdale Hunt Continues

The Hillsdale Hunt has been extended through the weekend, now ending at midnight on July 4th. Organizers have also made improvements to game play, adding an online or printable answer submission form and simplifying photo sharing.
Test your knowledge of your neighborhood and compete for prizes in the Hillsdale Hunt, a free community event sponsored by the Hillsdale Community Foundation.
Instructions are available now at the Foundation website. Participants can work individually or in a group to search the town center, surrounding neighborhoods and online to locate answers to Hillsdale trivia questions. Prizes donated from local businesses will be awarded for top scores and all players will be entered into a raffle for more prizes. Submit game-time selfies for more opportunities to win.
Go to to learn more about the Hillsdale Hunt and the Hillsdale Community Foundation.
Pharmacy Window a Victim of Careless Skateboarders, Not Burglary

Bowman's Hillsdale Pharmacy has been broken into and robbed several times in the past, but the most recent "break-in" was not, in fact, a burglary at all, but a case of a runaway skateboard.
Bowman's pharmacist Laurie Marx reports that the pharmacy alarm system was activated at around 11pm on Friday, May 14. Arriving at the scene, pharmacy staff found one of the front windows broken and learned from employees of the 76 gas station across the street that a group of skateboarders had been practicing their moves on the low concrete wall in front of the pharmacy. Gas station staff heard the crash of glass breaking and saw the skateboarders grab their boards and make a quick exit from the area.
Marx says bars on the window have been effective against break-ins since they were installed a few years ago.
Group Forms to Rename Wilson Pool

Wilson Pool is located at Wells High School in the neighborhood of Hillsdale. Clear as mud?
A group of area residents have formed a committee to propose renaming the pool, which is located at Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School (formerly Woodrow Wilson High School) and owned and operated by Portland Parks & Recreation.
Current committee members, including representatives from the Wells PTA, the Hillsdale Neighborhood Association, and the Hillsdale Business and Professional Association, say they are looking for a new, community-supported name to propose to the parks department for the facility.
To join the committee, send an email to with your name, address, phone number and email address before July 31, 2021. The committee will develop an outreach plan to identify name ideas and to communicate the outcome of their work to the parks department.In related news, the parks department has announced that the pool will reopen for lap swim, swimming lessons and play swim on Tuesday, June 22, 2021. Reservations are required to use the pool; find more information here.
"Trojans" Make Way for "Guardians"

Ida B. Wells students will now be known as the "Guardians." The new mascot takes over from the Trojan, replaced as part of the rebranding process following the renaming of the school. In a message posted on the school's website, Principal Filip Hristić said, "Ida B. Wells . . . was a true guardian of education, democracy and social justice. As IBW Guardians, we will honor Ida B. Wells’ legacy and her lasting message of determination, valor, and tolerance."
Other Worlds Games & Comics to Host Anti-Bullying Memorial Event
May 22, 11:00am
Other Worlds Games & Comics
6350 SW Capitol Hwy
503 244 0290

Street artist duo MenaceResa has been invited to Other Worlds Games & Comics to create a mural memorializing Lake Oswego teen Carson Bride, who took his own life in June of last year. Carson’s mother, Kristin Bride, says Carson found refuge playing “Magic: The Gathering” at Other Worlds.
The Hillsdale store is a gathering place for fans of in-person gaming, hosting tournaments and camps for players of all ages. The COVID-19 pandemic brought in-person gaming to a stop for many months, taking important positive and joy-filled experiences away from kids like Carson, says Bride, who since her son’s death has become an anti-bullying advocate.
MenaceResa is made up of Theresa Kim (aka Resa Peace) and Eric Cheung (aka Menace Two). Travelling across America with two cats in an RV, the duo combine talents for fine art and graffiti in their #PaintLoveAcrossAmerica tour.
After connecting with the artists, Bride reached out to Other Worlds owner Ron Connell, who will display the completed mural in his store window. In a statement, Connell said, “We are so grateful to provide a positive space for people like Carson to enjoy activities they love while meeting other like-minded friends. It is a privilege to be able to honor Carson in this way and to shine a light on a problem that deserves all of our hearts and our attention.”
The project is expected to take 2-3 days to complete. Spectators are invited to watch the artists kick off their work at this event in front of Other Worlds. Masks and social distancing required. Connell will donate 50% of merchandise sales during the event on the 22nd to the nonprofit STOMP Out Bullying.
Kristin Bride says, “It is through this event and our personal tragedy that we hope to bring awareness to the serious issue and consequences of cyberbullying.”
Friday, May 7, 2021
SWNI Still in Business
"Reports of SWNI's demise are greatly exaggerated," says president Leslie Hammond in the latest issue of SWNews. Read more from SWNI here.
The non-profit service provider for community organizations in SW Portland has received grant funding to allow it to hire back some staff while it re-groups and reorganizes. SWNI's funding from the City of Portland was eliminated earlier this year in a decision by Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty, who oversees the Office of Civic Life. Read more about SWNI's troubles here.
Council Approves Zoning Changes, Rejects Shelters in Parks and Open Space
On April 28, Portland City Council approved a range of zoning code changes in the Shelter to Housing Continuum package that will allow the City to more easily site shelters for homeless people. In the wake of thousands of comments from residents, City Commissioners and the Mayor rejected proposals that would have allowed organized camping in parks and other open spaces. Find out more about the code changes here.
Hillsdale Food Park Keeping it Fresh

Meet the people behind the Park: (from left to right) Celine Ratanavetin, Phat Cart; Jorge Cristobal, Taco City; Marc Winter, Food Park Manager; Cin Pau, Sushi Lovers; Jaturong Piraban, Pad Kee Mao; Richard Stein, owner of the Hillsdale Food Park.
Says Richard Stein, "In our ninth year, we are excited about a busy springtime ahead!"
Friday, April 23, 2021
Hillsdale BEECN Needs Volunteers

BEECN stands for ”Basic Earthquake Emergency Communication Node.” A BEECN is a place to go in Portland after a major earthquake to ask for emergency assistance if phone service is down, or report severe damage or injury.
Each BEECN location is staffed and maintained by volunteers. Hillsdale’s BEECN team needs more members to be able to serve our community following a disaster. No previous training or experience is necessary.
The BEECN program of the Portland Bureau of Emergency Management is offering a free online training on Monday, May 3, from 6-7:30pm.
Attend the training to learn about the BEECN system, learn where BEECNs are located, how they are set up, how to connect with other volunteers and how to deploy BEECNs in the case of a large earthquake that takes down phone lines.
The training is free; pre-registration is required.
The BEECN location for Hillsdale is the field at Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School.
Learn more about the BEECN program here.
Friday, April 9, 2021

Free Meal Distribution
Portland Public Schools, in partnership with the US Department of Agriculture, provides free grab-and-go meals to children ages 1-18 regardless of school enrollment. Seven days worth of meals are provided Monday-Friday from 3:30-4:30. Ida B. Wells High School and Robert Gray Middle School are pick-up points for free meals. No ID or registration is required.
New Mascot Selection for Ida B. Wells Put on Hold
Following an earlier announcement that the school would be known as the Evergreens, replacing the Trojan, the school and the district have now gone back to the drawing board in their search for a new mascot.
In a message on the school website Principal Filip Hristić said: "After further discussion, reflection, and consideration, the renaming committee and I determined that Evergreens is not an appropriate mascot for our school. While the Evergreens certainly do symbolize strength and vitality for many cultural, regional, and racial groups, Evergreens can also evoke painful memories of brutal lynchings that Ida B. Wells reported on."

Rieke Parking Lot Construction Nearing Completion
After more than a year of construction, most of the work on the Rieke parking lot has been completed. Work remains to be done on the storm water planter at the south end of the campus, and the northern portions of the lot will undergo improvements later this year. Rieke principal Jon Jeans notes that he has shared community concerns over the height of the speed bumps, which conform to the specifications required by the City and Fire Bureau but have been a source of complaints from drivers.
In Brief
Friday, March 12, 2021
Rieke Parking Lot Progress

The west side has been paved. The curb-like structure in the center is a concrete valley gutter that will extend the life of the asphalt due to grade. Photo courtesy Steven Smith.
Steven Smith, Portland Public Schools Project Manager reports that the Rieke parking lot project is expected to be completed in the next few weeks, before school is scheduled to resume in April.
Traffic flow in the parking lot has not changed. The footprint remains the same as before the construction with the same number of stalls. Yet to come are speed bumps, bollards, and striping. The storm water planter near Vermont will have a fence surrounding it.
Expect more construction on north sections of the parking lot, possibly later this year.
Get Help Scheduling Vaccine Appointments
Beginning March 15, the Vaccine Appointment Project of Positive Charge! PDX and Portland Jewish Family & Child Service will add a phone line to assist Portland-metro area seniors and other eligible individuals seeking assistance finding Covid-19 vaccine appointments. The service is available to all regardless of religious affiliation.
The phone line is available at (971) 258-0449 during the following hours:
Sunday: 9:00am-12:00pm
Monday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am-7:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-4:00pm
Call (971) 258-2896 on Saturdays, from 10:00am-5:00pm.
For rides to/from vaccine appointments, contact JFCS at or (503) 226-7079.
Neighbors Collaborate on Poetry Post
Neighbors Marilyn McFarlane (at left in the photo) and Frank Rodriguez (on the right) introduce the Martha St. Poetry Post. Constructed and installed by Rodriguez, the post at the corner of Martha St and 18th Drive is open for business. All are welcome to contribute poetry. The lower section will host selections for children.
The project was first discussed at a neighborhood gathering in 2019, but it took a pandemic to make it a reality. Another neighbor, Bill Merritt (not pictured) has pledged to contribute a more permanent sign.

In Brief
Friday, February 26, 2021
Local Schools Partially Re-Opening; Full Opening Planned for April
Portland Public Schools has started rolling out Limited In-Person Instruction (LIPI) at schools around the district while making plans to begin offering hybrid instruction in April.
LIPI started at Rieke Elementary on February 26. Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School starts LIPI on March 1, followed by Robert Gray Middle School on March 3. Students will be on campus in small groups for a few hours at a time.
LIPI is on-campus instruction offered for a small targeted population of students designed to meet the needs of specific groups based on needed educational, relational, social-emotional, curricular, instructional, and/or assessment supports.
The hybrid model plans for a wide-scale reopening of school buildings for all K-12 students. Families will have the choice to continue with comprehensive distance learning or move into a hybrid model.

Make Your Suggestions
Ida B. Wells-Barnett High School is looking for ideas for a new mascot to go with its new name.
Submit your ideas online by Wednesday, March 3.
The current mascot is the Trojan (photo courtesy of Elena Miller).
In Brief
Friday, December 18, 2020

See You Next Year!
The Hillsdale News will take a hiatus for the month of January and will return on Friday, February 12, 2021.
Help Choose the New Name for Wilson High School
The choices have been narrowed down to five. Members of the community have until January 1 to provide feedback online to guide the final selection. Read more about it here.
One Can Wednesday Comes to Hillsdale Basics--Every Day

Leave your donations of non-perishable food with Veronica.
PositiveChargePDX, a local volunteer group, has expanded its One Can Wednesday food collection program for Neighborhood House to the Hilldsale Basics Market. Drop off cans and boxes of non-perishable food any time Basics is open (now seven days a week), and volunteers from PositiveChargePDX will deliver them to Neighborhood House. Sallie Cohen, co-founder of the philanthropic group, reports that the amount of food donated since the program began on June 30 has now surpassed 12,000 pounds! Donations can also be dropped off at Driftwood Coffee, Village Coffee, or in the collection bin presided over by Veronica on Fairmount Blvd between Mitchell St. and 18th Dr.
To start your own neighborhood One Can Wednesday weekly collection program, email
Join the Hillsdale Community Foundation, Help Shape our Neighborhood
What do you want life in Hillsdale to look like? The HIllsdale Community Foundation invites you to learn more about becoming a board member to bring your dreams and visions for Hillsdale to life. Learn more here.
Help Hillsdale NET connect neighbors
Email list, phone tree, google group?
Hillsdale NET wants to know how you connect with your neighbors, as well the geographic boundaries of your local community networks.
Email to share information about the “how” and the “where” of the networks in your immediate neighborhood so we can help ensure that everyone is in the communication loop in an emergency.
Robert Gray PTA Free Movie Screening and Virtual Discussion
Thursday, January 14, 7-8:45pm
From the director of Screenagers: Growing Up in the Digital Age comes Screenagers Next Chapter: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience. The film shows many ways parents, counselors, and educators can help teens build crucial skills for navigating stress, anxiety, and depression in this increasingly digital world.
This live virtual event will be followed by a facilitated discussion with school counselors. The film is recommended for 6th grade and above.
The screening and discussion are free. Donations to the RGMS PTA are welcome.
View the trailer and more at
Register for this event here.
In Brief
Friday, December 4, 2020

St. Barnabas Episcopal Church Food Bag Distribution Program Continues
Parishioner Eva Calcagno says that over 80 families were served on November 14 and that the distribution times have changed due to the end of Daylight Savings. Distribution at the church and at Stephens Creek Crossing is now 3pm, instead of 5pm. Donations are accepted at the Parish Hall (2201 SW Vermont St) between 1pm and 3pm. Donations for non-perishable supplies are needed as well: cleaning products, feminine hygiene products, and grocery staples like cereal, canned beans and tomatoes, cooking oil, pasta, etc. Calcagno says, "We have been extremely fortunate to receive donations of produce from several commercial farms. Meat donations are ending from an area grocery store and we are in search of a new source. Donations of cash are also gladly accepted as it allows us to purchase items of greatest need. Checks made out to St. Barnabas Church with Food Bag in the memo line will qualify as charitable donations! Thank you Hillsdale community for supporting us with this ministry."
White Lights Unite campaign brightens the Hillsdale business district
In Brief
Friday, November 13, 2020
Uncertain Future for Hopewell House
Legacy Health closed Hopewell House, an end-of-life residential facility just off Capitol Hwy in Hillsdale, last year. Friends of Hopewell House soon formed in response, with the mission of re-opening the facility.
Legacy plans to put the property on the market in early January 2021, but has agreed to give Friends of Hopewell House right of first refusal, leaving them until the end of this year to raise enough money for the purchase.
In addition to a GoFundMe campgain, Friends of Hopewell House hopes to identify major donors to reach their goal of $5 million. They recently announced a $500,000 donation from Priscilla Bernard Wieden and Dan Wieden.
For more information on Friends of Hopewell House and their campaign, go to

City to Start Fixing Gravel Streets Next Week
Portland Bureau of Transportation's Gravel Street Service is a free program that fills in ruts and potholes and grades gravel streets. Work begins in NW Portland on Monday, November 16, moving on to SW streets once work is completed there. The window for work on the west side of town extends through March. More information on the service as well as a map of streets affected is on the PBOT website.
Work has remained stalled on the Rieke parking lot for months with no clear end date in sight.
No Completion Date for Rieke Parking Lot Construction
Portland Public Schools officials report that unexpected permit issues have thrown the Rieke parking lot construction project off track, resulting in a delay of several months to this project that was originally scheduled to be completed in the summer.
Now weather concerns are adding to the scheduling difficulties.
The parking lot remains closed to through vehicle access and there is currently no completion date available.
In Brief
Sunday, November 1, 2020
Hillsdale Neighborhood Association News
Arson Suspected in Chabad House Fire
Chabad House, a Jewish teaching and cultural center in Hillsdale at 2317 SW Vermont St., was severely damaged in two fires that occurred less than a week apart in mid-August. The Portland Fire Bureau is conducting an arson investigation and rewards are being offered for information leading to a conviction in the case. Chabad House is fundraising for repairs, donations can be made at The SW Community Connection reported the story here.
Wilson Stadium Work Reduces Parking for
Farmer's Market

Repair work at the Wilson High School stadium is expected to continue until the end of December. The upgrades include structural repairs to the concrete to fix cracking and spalling, sealing and painting of the concrete structure, adding guardrails at each side of the grandstand, repair and replacement of the seating benches, and installation of a new ADA ramp and access to the ADA companion seating.
The repairs are funded by Portland Public Schools’ facilities capital fund.
Food Park Vacancy

The Desilicious cart has departed, leaving a blank space for a new vendor.
In Brief
Wednesday, October 14, 2020
Hillsdale Neighborhood Association News
No HNA Meeting in November
Look for general meetings to resume their normal first-Wednesday-of-the-month schedule on December 2. Meeting agendas and schedule details are available here.
HNA Connects Families with Community Tutoring Resources
The new pandemic reality for families with school-age children is challenging in many ways. Students are in school online at home, distanced from their teachers and the resources of all-day in-person instruction. The Hillsdale Neighborhood Association aims to help take some of the pressure off parents and get students some extra help by connecting them with community members. If you would like to offer tutoring or online learning technical support services as a volunteer or for a fee, fill out the form to be connected to a student in one of our local schools.
Families looking for local volunteer or paid tutors can start by filling out an online form.
Questions? Email HNA board member Julie Daigneault.
Speed Limit Reduced on BH Highway
As of September 29, 2020, the speed limit on Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy between SW 25th and SW 65th avenues has been reduced to 35 mph, from the previous limit of 40 mph. New speed limit signs with orange flags indicate the change.
According the Portland Bureau of Transportation, this speed limit change is part of an ongoing citywide update of speed limits to reflect the latest research on safety. More information about speed limits in Portland is available here.
The speed limit on BH Highway between SW Bertha Ct and SW 25th Ave remains 30 mph.

New Hillsdale Business Opening Soon
Portland Camera Service will open on October 24th in the space formerly occupied by Impulse Video on the south side of Capitol Hwy.
The shop will offer new and used equipment sales, service, and repair as well as classes in basic and more advanced photography, editing, and lighting. There's also studio space for rent for your own photo shoot.
What attracted owner Jayesunn Krump to Hilldsale? The location, he says, with its proximity to downtown and easy access to other parts of town. He adds, "I've always loved this area for taking photos, too."
Krump says after that over 20 years of experience as a commercial photographer and managing another camera store this is the right time to start his own business, even during these challenging times. He says, "Photography is one thing that people can still do during the pandemic."

A new business will soon fill the spot left vacant for more than a year following the closure of Impulse Video in June of 2019.

The number of "for lease" signs indicates the impacts of the coronavirus in Hillsdale.
Wilson High School News
Wilson Community Equity Council Plans Black Lives Matter Event
The school's Facebook page says that at the event student speakers "will share their experiences of living as a person of color in the Southwest Portland metro area." Updates on the Wilson High School re-naming process will be provided as well. The march is described as an opportunity to "highlight the work that we all must do in our schools, in our businesses, and in our community to end systemic racism."
The event will be held on Wednesday, October 28, from 5-7pm at the corner of SW Vermont and 37th in Gabriel Park.

Wilson Renaming Committee in Place
Committee members have been selected to develop and implement a process to choose a new name for Wilson High School. According to the school’s Facebook page, the process is expected to produce a proposal that will be submitted to the board of Portland Public Schools by the end of 2020. The post also promises outreach to the community that will include a video, slideshow, and opportunities to engage directly.
Voting members of the committee are:
HuiHui Hutchinson, Class of 2022
Jonel Mondero, Class of 2022
Katisyn Sweeney, Class of 2022
Liliana McClain, Class of 2022
Mia Sedory, Class of 2021
Aslan Newson, Class of 2022
Nura Salah, Class of 2022
Senya Scott, Class of 2022
Martin Osborne, Community Member
Deb Walsh, Parent
Noreena McCleave, Alumna
Zach Winterspring, Teacher
Ellen Whatmore , Teacher
Norma Hamilton, Classified staff
Filip Hristic, Wilson Principal
Ayesha Coning, Wilson Vice Principal
Ezell Watson, PPS Community Engagement
Check the Wilson Facebook page or website for updates.
In Brief
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

New graffiti on the building that houses Jade Dragon and other businesses on the north side of Capitol Hwy​.
Graffiti/Vandalism Add to Burden for Local Business Owners
A sign at Southwest Martial Arts and Crossfit Hillsdale was vandalized in March, and more recently new tags have appeared on the Capitol Hwy bus shelter and nearby buildings. Lara Jones, co-owner of the martial arts studio and gym, says, "It's a terrible feeling to be struggling so much as a business and have someone vandalize the property. All the small business owners I have spoken to have been too busy treading water to be able to put energy towards anything outside of daily operations."
An informal team has formed that includes neighbors from Multnomah Village, where graffiti has been a problem as well, to erase tags and purchase anti-graffiti coating for local signage. Says Jones, "When people come together to help repair the damage it almost reverses the bad feelings."
Got graffiti? The city has a free graffiti clean-up program. Small businesses or residents will find resources and an application for the removal service at . Juliette Muracchioli,
Graffiti Program Coordinator at the city's Civic Life Bureau, says crews are usually able to remove graffiti on private property within two or three days.
Community Recycling Event on August 29, 10am-1:00pm, BH Highway Rite Aid
James Recycling will accept non-curbside recyclables at this event. Find a list of items accepted here. Items must be clean, dry, and separated by type. A fee of $3 per grocery bag of sorted recycling (or similar five-gallon container) and $3 per 3- gallon garbage bag of Styrofoam is requested. Please have exact change. Complete details are available here.
James Harris Recycling, established four years ago by a local man with autism, has expanded from local pick-up to include monthly drop-off events. To volunteer at the community recycling event, email
Concerts at the Hillsdale Food Park​
The Josh Kadish Community Stage at the Hillsdale Food Park hosts a series of summertime music performances. Concerts are free, social distancing required.
Saturday, August 15, 5:30-7:00pm: Lana Shea, Soulful Hip Hop
Sunday, August 16, 12:00-1:30pm: Max Bloom, Pianist/Pop Covers
News Flash
Monday, August 3, 2020
Hillsdale Bank of America Branch Temporarily Closed
According to BofA's website, Hillsdale is among many of their branches that are temporarily closed or have reduced hours of operation. The Hillsdale branch ATM's remain open. The nearest full-service branch now open is the new Raleigh Hills location at 8601 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy.
Key Bank and OnPoint Hillsdale bank branches are open.
Hillsdale Neighborhood Association Meets Virtually on Wednesday, August 5, 7:00pm
The complete agenda and instructions for joining the meeting are online. Agenda items for the August 5th meeting include a police liaison report, discussion of closure of the SW Community Center and planned Fall ballot operating levy for Portland Parks and Recreation, and a discussion of Wilson High School renaming. City Council candidate Mingus Mapps is scheduled to speak and take questions as well.
Join the Neighborhood Association meeting on Google Meet here, or go to following the meeting to find a link to watch it later.

Signs at the Hillsdale Bank of America say "Bank is Closed."
In Brief
Monday, July 20, 2020
Concerts at the Hillsdale Food Park​
The Josh Kadish Community Stage at the Hillsdale Food Park will host a series of summertime music performances. Concerts are free, social distancing required.
Saturday, July 25, 5:30-7:00pm: Rhymewave, Hip Hop
Sunday, July 26, 12:00-1:30pm: Flying Caravan, Gypsy Folk
Saturday, August 1, 5:30-7:00pm: Minda Lacy, Indie Folk
Sunday, August 2, 12:00-1:30pm: Dallas David Ochoa, Alternative Rock
Saturday, August 8, 5:30-7:00pm: Bobby Musgrave, Avant-garde Indie Jazz
Sunday, August 9, 12:00-1:30pm: Ruby Oland, Folk
Saturday, August 15, 5:30-7:00pm: Lana Shea, Soulful Hip Hop
Sunday, August 16, 12:00-1:30pm: Max Bloom, Pianist/Pop Covers
Anti-Racism Study Group Meeting Monthly​
Pastor Sarah Sanderson-Doughty of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is facilitating a monthly study group beginning with the book How to Be an Anti-Racist, by Ibram X. Kendi. Meetings are held via Zoom on the second Saturday of each month at 1:00pm or on third Thursdays at 7:00pm. To join, email All are welcome.

Hillsdale Library Offering Curbside Holds Pick-Up​
Place your holds as usual. When you receive notification that your items are available, call the general line at Multnomah County Library at 503 988-5123 between 9am and 5pm to schedule a pick-up time at the Hillsdale Library.
Additional info:
Same day pick-up is not available.
Hold pick-up times will be scheduling during the library's usual operating hours.
The building is closed to the public, holds are available at a table in the main entrance.
Phone hold times have been long and Hillsdale's pick-up times are sometimes booked out a few days. The Library is currently testing a new online pick-up scheduling system that, if adopted, is expected to result in a better hold pick-up experience.
The parking garage at the Hillsdale Library is open, but the elevator is not operating. Patrons with mobility difficulties can use the phone in the garage to call a staff member who will bring holds to the garage.
Wilson Track and Courts to Remain Closed ​
Portland Public Schools Facilities staff said in an email: "Because our facilities are still closed to the public and because we have received multiple reports of people congregating on our open property without following physical distancing guidelines, we are continuing to keep the track closed for now. This may change in the future as the county and the district receives additional guidance from Governor Kate Brown."
Regardless of PPS and state decisions relating to outdoor recreational facilities, the Wilson track will be closed until at least the end of July for resurfacing.

In Brief
Monday, June 22, 2020
Hillsdale Helps​
Organizations and individuals are mobilizing in Hillsdale to help others impacted by pandemic measures.
Stand Up Hillsdale Campaign Exceeds Fundraising Goal
The Hillsdale Community Foundation raised a total of $33,684 for Neighborhood House during its 30-day campaign, exceeding its goal of $25,000.
The Foundation's David Hawkins says, "We connected with over 3,500 Hillsdale households during the campaign and are thrilled at how many Hillsdale neighbors stepped up to help. We know the donations will go a long way towards helping Neighborhood House purchase food for those facing food insecurity, cover transportation costs for seniors needing rides to medical appointments, and helping families experiencing housing uncertainty transition from temporary shelters to permanent housing."
Meal Donations Help People and Local Restaurants
Hillsdale residents Heidi Cronn, Nalani Wineman, and Lisa O'Toole have teamed with local restaurants to support people impacted by COVID-19. Cash donations collected from friends and neighbors are used to purchase meals from Hillsdale eateries that are then donated to charities for distribution to those in need. The project kicked off with meals from Sasquatch Brewing Co. delivered to Good Neighbor Center, a non-profit providing emergency housing and other services to families. Next on the list is Verde Cocina.
Hillsdale Neighborhood Association News
The general meeting of the Hillsdale Neighborhood Association (HNA) on June 17 was held virtually on Google Hangouts. New members were elected to the Board: Don Baack, Glenn Bridger, Julia Daigneault, and Robert Hamilton. Daigneault is new to the board, the other three are either currently on the board or have served in the past.
Continuing board members are Bre Wende, Aslan Newson, Marie Tyvoll, Eric Wilhelm, and Tatiana Lifshitz. Chuck Stilson has resigned and Will Reese and Rick Meigs will not return to the board when their terms expire. Two board seats remain unfilled.
At the June 17 meeting the members present approved a proposal for a $1000 grant from the Community Engagement Allocation Program (CEAP) of Southwest Neighborhoods, Inc. (SWNI), the umbrella group under which all SW Portland neighborhood associations operate. The CEAP proposal approved by the HNA lists three items for funding: a pandemic memorial tree to be planted on SW Capitol Hwy. near Verde Cocina ($200); the costs of a promotional campaign to alert members of the Hillsdale community that they can attend HNA meetings virtually ($750); and resources for a pilot street calming project on SW Burlingame Ave. $50).
The next meeting of the Hillsdale Neighborhood Association will be held virtually on Wednesday, July 1 at 6:45pm. Meetings are open to the public. Visit for information on how to access the virtual meeting.
In Brief
Friday, May 29, 2020
Hillsdale Helps​
Organizations and individuals are mobilizing in Hillsdale to help others impacted by pandemic measures.
Stand Up Hillsdale
Hillsdale Community Foundation’s drive for donations to Neighborhood House is closing in on their goal. HCF board member David Hawkins says, “The need is still great. The economic impact of the crisis shows no sign of easing and there are neighbors in Hillsdale struggling with food insecurity, child care and education needs, family issues and senior isolation.” The drive continues through June 1 at
Food Assistance
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church continues to collect donations and distribute free food and other basic supplies. Church staff says they are currently providing food to over 60 families each week, as opposed to the 10-12 bags they distributed monthly before the pandemic, adding “Almost every week someone new from the neighborhood drops by with donations of food, money or face masks for our program. It is really wonderful to be able to connect those who want to help with those wanting help." On Saturdays, donations are accepted at the church from 3:30-4:30pm and free food bags are available for pick-up at 5pm.
Hand Sanitizer
Rose City Distilling, co-owned by Hillsdale resident Bob Turner, has donated over 5,000 bottles of hand sanitizer since they began manufacturing it at its facility. Distribution continues to front line workers and at-risk communities.
Making Masks

Hillsdale residents Sun Noble (far left) and Michelle Lostra (left) are part of “Sew Safe”, a volunteer group that has sprung up to provide more than 1,000 home-sewn masks to local nursing homes, Meals on Wheels, the Multnomah Post office and the Portland Veterans Hospital. The network has grown to 11 volunteers making masks from their homes. Download mask pattern and instructions, or email to get involved.
Trails Survey Informs Planning for Keller Woodlands Natural Area

Keller Woodlands Natural Area is a 40 acre nature preserve at the north end of Hillsdale owned and managed by the Columbia Land Trust in collaboration with the West Willamette Restoration Partnership. Bordering on Marquam Nature Park and Terwilliger Parkway, the preserve has been the site of restoration projects over the past four years to improve habitat for birds, deer, and other wildlife.
Columbia Land Trust is working with Portland Parks and Recreation to plan and create a walking trail to connect Keller Woodlands with Marquam Park’s trail system, providing more walking routes and access to natural areas in SW Portland. Installation of the new trail is expected to begin early in 2021. Complete the survey to share your priorities for walking trails and provide information that will help Portland Parks manage their existing trail system. Entries received by June 5 will be eligible for a prize drawing.
In Brief
Thursday, May 7, 2020
Hillsdale Community Foundation Launches Two New Initiatives
Stand Up Hillsdale
In response to the pandemic’s impact on vulnerable communities of SW Portland, the Hillsdale Community Foundation has pledged to support programs of Neighborhood House to provide food security, connection for at-risk seniors, and family support during the current crisis. The Foundation will add $20 to the first 100 donations from Hilldale residents of $50 or higher to reach a goal of $25,000 by June 1. To make a tax-deductible donation, go to Donations will be recognized with a Stand Up Hillsdale window cling.
Hillsdale Gathers
The inaugural meeting of this online Zoom discussion group, focussing on the topic “Hillsdale 2021,” will explore the challenges and opportunities for our community that might emerge from the COVID-19 crisis. Rick Seifert, emeritus Foundation board member and the founding editor/publisher of the original Hillsdale News, will moderate a group of up to nine participants beginning May 14, 7:30pm, and continuing bi-weekly. For more information or to indicate your interest in joining the discussion, email
Since its founding in 2009, the HIllsdale Community Foundation has served varied roles in the community. In its earliest days the Foundation distributed grants for community projects, disbursing funds raised primarily through the annual Hillsdale Book Sale. From 2011-2014, the non-profit secured funding and then provided management for the Hillsdale Main Street Program to create a more welcoming business district. Since 2014 the organization has granted approximately $5,000 a year to projects in the community. Projects supported include installation of bike racks and plaza seating between Baker and Spice and Basics Market, improvements to Rieke playground equipment, and murals. In 2019 the Foundation built the Josh Kadish Community Stage at the Hillsdale Food Park, home to an ongoing summer concert series (now put on hold by the coronavirus). Learn more about the Hillsdale Community Foundation at

In Brief
Thursday, April 23, 2020​
Hillsdale News of Nice
by Leah Klass
There are many good things happening in the neighborhood. As one small business owner recently said, “Sharing is prosperity.” Here are some examples of neighbors sharing and caring for each other:
• In Wilson Park we heard of a couple who have decided to donate their stimulus money to local causes. "We don't need the money and we know that there are so many people who are hurting right now. We hope to use our [Stimulus] money to help those people."They will donate over $400 dollars to a food pantry.

• Some neighbors have continued to pay their hairstylists during the pandemic and make regular donations to other service workers whose jobs are not classified as essential. Every dollar counts. Venmo, PayPal make it easy to transfer money without leaving home and without handling cash. 

• It is also possible to help others without making a cash donation. One family is bartering. “We knew that our neighbors had lost their jobs working in restaurants, so we asked for their help with yard work and planting community-style gardens in our yard. It's in exchange for groceries and other household necessities. Later the harvest will be shared amongst all of us. Everybody feels like they are contributing.”

• Wondering what all that noise is in the evenings? Neighbors have been coming out of their houses at 7pm to bang on pots and pans to thank service and medical workers! Some take speakers into the street and dance to relieve stress. Others have put care packages together for first responders.

"Friends of Hopewell House" forms in response to closure​
Legacy Health closed Hopewell House in August of 2019. Located on Capitol Highway in Hillsdale, Hopewell House provided residential hospice care for almost thirty years. Volunteer-run non-profit Friends of Hopewell House has entered into discussions with Legacy Health to explore how the house will be used and the possibility of restoring in-patient hospice care. The group is raising money, meeting monthly, and collecting memories from those whose friends or family members received end-of-life care at the facility. For more information about their efforts, go to
In Brief
Friday, April 10, 2020​
Of interest

Within the past two weeks, just days after potholes were reported on SW 18th Drive using the PDXReporter app, PBOT crews responded.
How to help fight the global coronavirus battle from here in Hillsdale? Become a “citizen scientist”
UCSF Eureka Research App: Use your smartphone to participate in an online study. Researchers at the University of California San Francisco have developed an app to collect data from around the world to study the spread of COVID-19 and how to predict new infections. Anyone over 18 with a smartphone can download the app to participate.
Foldit: Play online puzzle-solving game Foldit to help University of Washington researchers uncover the protein structure of COVID-19 and other diseases.
The City that Works (for now)
In an April 6 email, Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) reported that their maintenance crews working all over Portland made repairs to over two dozen streets, responded to 22 sewer spills or emergency sewer repairs, and filled almost 200 potholes in the previous week, including the one in Hillsdale pictured above. The next day, April 7, The Oregonian reported that the governor's March 23 executive order that everyone except non-essential workers stay home have hit PBOT’s budget hard. An estimated loss of $7 million a month in missing revenue from gas tax, parking meters, and construction permits will pose big questions for how the city will pay for future projects, let alone ongoing maintenance.
PBOT's Rose Lane Project to improve bus travel times has identified lines 54 and 56 through the Hillsdale Town Center as next in line for project development. Potential changes run a range from signal improvements to dedicated bus lanes and peak-hour transit-only lanes. How will the current downturn in PBOT revenue affect this and other projects in Hillsdale?